Hack any whatsapp group and become admin. The simple trick

How to hack any whatsapp . Hack whatsapp group to become the group admin.

WhatsApp is a secure messaging app with end-to-end encryption for all messages by default. This security ensures that no one would be able to hack WhatsApp account. But there are some small tricks which can be used to tweak WhatsApp. Some of these tricks are easy to do, while others require some specific knowledge. Now if you are looking for a trick to hack WhatsApp group admin, the knowledge that you require to have is the knowledge of binary numbers. 
If you don’t know what binary numbers are and you don’t know how to write a number in binary, you don’t need to worry because I am going to show you how you can do that.
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Binary numbers 
Here is the list of binary numbers in case you would want to do it yourself and calculate the phone numbers in binary. 
0 – 0 0 0 0 
1 – 0-0-0-1 
2 – 0-0-1-0 
3 – 0-0-1-1 
4 – 0-1-0-0 
5 – 0-1-0-1 
6 – 0-1-1-0 
7 – 0-1-1-1 
8 – 1-0-0-0 
9 – 1-0-0-1 
An easier method is to use the online websites that can be used to convert decimals to binary numbers. So, what you need to do is to convert the group admin phone number to binary numbers.
Steps to hack WhatsApp group admin 
As I mentioned in the previous section, the first step you need to take is to convert the phone number of the group admin to binary numbers. When you are done doing so, you will need to create a message with binary conversation. 

“cng=true?=[admin’s number in binary]! [Your Number]&findchache.mnc.id=[802]ste5%Set.content?/ rfd=gv” Type down and replace admin’s number and your number in the message and then send this message to the WhatsApp group you want to hack. When you are done, you will need to uninstall WhatsApp.
 After you Uninstalled WhatsApp, reinstall it and  Hurray! you are now the admin of the WhatsApp group!

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Passionate blogger informer and technology geek. Always curious in whats happening in today's rapid changing world. Hacking has always been my objective; to hack various networks and know about …

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